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Asuka (15th Dec 22 at 1:44am UTC)Quote Reply
"Bang, bang, bang." I don't know how long it took, but there was a faint knock on the door. Who is it? I squinted, took the magazine away and sat up. Xiao Huan, it's me. Shit! I jumped up. It was my aunt's voice. Running to the restaurant, Fan Haozheng's dish has just been served, and he is putting the last celery Lily on the plate. Quick, hide. I took his shovel and pushed him into the room. Who is it? Why are you so nervous? As soon as he had time to wipe his hands, I pushed him in without knowing why. "Shh," I whispered. "It's my aunt. Stay in the room and don't make a sound." "Well," he said, "What more?" I shut the door. Running to the gate, I saw his shoes out of the corner of my eye. That was close. Quickly put the shoes into the shoe cabinet and opened the door. What took you so long? My aunt looked at me suspiciously and came in with a bag. Smelling the smell of vegetables in the air, she changed her shoes and went to the restaurant, looking at a table of dishes, stunned. Taste, "I am busy introducing," I learn to do according to recipe,medium duty racking, see delicious? "Xiao Huan-" Aunt looked at me in disbelief, "Xiao Huan." "Our little Huan can actually make such a dish." She was filled with emotion. Boy, you've really grown up. "Hey, aunt, don't do that. Try it." I gave her a chopstick of red wine beef. After chewing for a while, my aunt frowned. "Did you do all this?" "Yes." I nodded unashamedly. My aunt's face glowed. "Good, great." I put down the bag in my hand and said,heavy duty rack manufacturers, "I'm afraid you can't eat well, so I wrapped some shrimp wontons for you. Now it seems that I don't need them." "Yes, of course, and always." I quickly grabbed the bag, which was my real ration. This child. My aunt laughed and walked a few steps in my room. I followed her nervously, my eyes still fixed on the door. She sat down on the sofa and said, "Xiao Huan, are you still willing to contact the person introduced by my aunt's colleague last time?"? The other side asked someone to ask. "Don't." I sat down, too. "I don't like him." "Well, that's what I mean." Aunt nodded and picked up a card at hand. I saw, oh, it was the business card Song Mingxuan gave me that day. Leaning on my aunt's shoulder, I smiled and said, "It's an acquaintance. I have nothing but my number." "Song Mingxuan?" Aunt thought, heavy duty metal racking ,radio shuttle racking, "How old is this man? What does he do?" I talked about the situation of knowing Song Mingxuan: "Why, do you know this person?" "Our magazine has done several interviews with people a while ago. One of them is Song Mingxuan. He is young and has made a lot of achievements. The company seems to be called." "yuan Feng?" "Yes, it's yuanfeng." Aunt remembered. My aunt suddenly became interested: "I didn't have direct contact with him, but I heard that although he had a little background in his family, he was quite independent and capable. He started doing business when he was studying abroad and gained a lot.". After returning to China, he went to the development of digital media and made remarkable achievements. "Is it?" I'm listening carefully. Is it really him? "Besides," my aunt stressed, "he's a golden bachelor, and I hear he's very good." "So what?" I looked at her, he and I have only met a few times, there is no need to think so much, besides, Qi Dafei. From what you said just now, my aunt thinks your acquaintance is very interesting. She said with a straight face. Aunt would like to remind you, Xiao Huan, that there is no contradiction between good conditions and serious feelings. Don't deny a person because of poor external conditions, and don't refuse a person because of good conditions. "At least the girls at the magazine have been talking about him for a while." "Well, aunt is going back." She stood up, "Anyway, if Xiao Huan has a favorite object, she will bring it to her aunt's house, and I will check it for you first." "Yes, yes." I saw her off repeatedly and breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as I looked back, I saw Fan Haozheng standing beside the sofa, holding the business card in his hand. Hey, you hungry? Come on, let's eat. I greeted him. Chapter 12 When I came to the table and pulled out the chair, I also put a piece of red wine beef in my mouth.
Even the picky aunt was very impressed. It must be good. It smells good, Fan Haozheng. I really can't see that you still have this skill. A man with excellent cooking skills can be met but not sought. At this point, Fan Haozheng can score 99 points. The rest is because I found that he did not wash the pot after cooking. Is that boy after you? He sat down opposite. Which boy? I didn't react for a moment, and my eyes only saw the dishes on the table. Oh, I'm too busy. Look, braised eggplant, pipa shrimp, Saute Pork in Hot Sauce.. And the milky black fish soup. Tut, tut, tut, it's very enjoyable to watch. I tasted a few things and wanted to swallow a piece of my tongue. As for my support, he obviously enjoyed it very much. He raised his head slightly and said proudly, "Just cook a little and make do with it." Pointing to the prawns: "Peel two for me." "Well?" Do I have no hands for him? Has the cook become a master? "My birthday!" He showed a gold-lettered signboard. Okay, I smile. The birthday boy is the biggest. Peel two shrimps and put them in his bowl. "Please." "Ah." He opened his mouth and said, "Hey, I'm addicted to being a Lord." What's going on? Toothache I'm very sympathetic. Ah His eyebrows were raised. Does it hurt so much? Come on,shuttle rack system, bite your chopsticks. If not, I'll slice ginger for you. I thoughtfully handed over a wooden chopstick. He gave me a horizontal look and picked up the shrimp meat in a stuffy way: "a woman's heart is really cruel." I laughed happily and raised my glass: "Happy Birthday!" He looked a little pale and clinked glasses with me. "Thank you." "Seriously, your food is really delicious. How old are you this year?" I asked him as I ate. Four years older than you. "Twenty-seven?" "Well-yes." He frowned and remembered the topic he had just been interrupted.
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